Victim Services Trainings

ACT200c - Domestic Violence 101: Understanding Abuse Behind Your Own Front Door – Part 3 (ACT200c)

This series of courses is designed to give people from a broad range of disciplines the knowledge and skills they need to work with victims of domestic violence. Part III assumes that the learner has already completed Parts I and II. Part III will explore the impact domestic violence has on survivors and the workplace. It will also look closely at the decisions victims make to stay in or leave an abusive relationship.

Note: This training can count towards the Foundational Academy Supplemental Training requirements. All courses on this website categorized as "Victim Services Trainings" in the course catalog can be used to fulfill these requirements. Read more about the Foundational Academy Supplemental Online Training requirements here.

This course counts for 2 training hours.

Categories: Domestic Violence

Posted Date: 04/14/2021 Training hours: 2

  • ACT200c - Course Module
  • ACT200c - Final Assessment
  • ACT200c - Course Evaluation
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever