Leadership and Governance Trainings

LGT003 - Advocacy Session III: Mobilizing an Advocacy Strategy (LGT003)

This session would provide training in how to prepare an advocacy and visibility strategy. Participants would receive training and hands on strategy development in process tools/media that can be used to share the organizations message. The session would also provide tools for measuring and reporting results and how to evaluate efforts. Participants should leave the session with a plan and commitment to increasing advocacy and communication with assigned leaders for each section of the plan, a timeline for achievement and accountability for managing and reporting the process.

Note: This training CANNOT count towards the Foundational Academy Supplemental Training requirements. All courses on this website categorized as "Victim Services Trainings" (not "Leadership and Governance Trainings") in the course catalog can be used to fulfill these requirements. Read more about the Foundational Academy Supplemental Online Training requirements here.

Posted Date: 06/28/2012 Training hours: n/a

  • LGT003 - Introduction
  • LGT003 - Course Module
  • LGT003 - Conclusion
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever