Leadership and Governance Trainings

LGT030 - We've Got to Start Meeting Like This (LGT030)

There are approximately 11 million meetings held every day in the United States, with about 50% of the time spent in meetings considered to be “wasted”. For the average professional that adds up to 4 days per month! Participants in this workshop will learn how a little planning and preparation can turn those “time-wasters” into productive management tools.

Note: This training CANNOT count towards the Foundational Academy Supplemental Training requirements. All courses on this website categorized as "Victim Services Trainings" (not "Leadership and Governance Trainings") in the course catalog can be used to fulfill these requirements. Read more about the Foundational Academy Supplemental Online Training requirements here.

Posted Date: 04/12/2013 Training hours: n/a

  • LGT030 - Introduction
  • LGT030 - Course Module
  • LGT030 - Conclusion
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever